Minneapolis | MN

The City


Over the past 30 years, Minnesota has welcomed over 100,000 refugees from more than 100 countries. You can’t go very far without seeing evidence of this in Minneapolis. Whether it is halal grocery stores, streets lined with restaurants representing all corners of the world or groups gathering at local parks for picnics or soccer games, just wandering through the city will give you a taste of the world at large. 

Lovely as this all sounds, moving to a new country, getting settled and figuring out how the culture around you operates is no small thing. The language is new, the culture is new, the food is new. Life in general is new and different. Barriers abound. These barriers make it difficult to make friends and build community with those around you.

Our goal is to help local churches learn to build bridges between their congregations and the community at large. Our churches want to love our new neighbors well and help them settle into life here in Minneapolis. By coming alongside, building friendships and helping with felt needs, we believe that we can make the transition to life in a new country a bit smoother.

What We Do.


Network of Churches

The Minneapolis network of churches seeks to love as Jesus loved: sacrificially and by building bridges to cross cultural barriers. To this end, we offer trainings for churches looking to become more involved in their communities. Whether this is all new to you and you just don’t know where to start or if you are looking to broaden your network and connect with other churches, we have something for you. 

passion led us here. ian-schneider-TamMbr4okv4-unsplash.jpg


Are you looking for a more intensive experience? We will work with you to build an internship that will give you a taste of the work we do here. You will have ample opportunity to build relationships with refugee and immigrant families, build cultural bridges and grow in your understanding of the immigrant experience.